Expo Dubai 2020 online with SSPH+
As pre- Expo event, SSPH+ Director, Prof. Nino Künzli participated online in the World Majilis on "The Pursuit of Happiness. Building healthier and happier communities in a post-COVID era" (Watch the session here: discussion platform starts at hour 1:52:05 until 3:05:00).

SSPH+ scientific debate training winners announced!
The winners of the SSPH+ scientific debate training of the Dubai Expo Training Program are Ezra Valido and Ana Lucía Oña Macías from Swiss Paraplegic Research at the University of Luzern. They are also both part of the SSPH+ Global PhD fellowship program in Public Health Sciences.Thank you to all of you from the SSPH+ community who voted for your favourite scientific debate video! Ezra and Ana will perform their debate live to the audiences of the Dubai Expo at the Swiss Pavilion in January, 2022.

HE Fahad Al-Jalajel, Minister of Health of Saudi Arabia visits SSPH+@Expo!
HE Fahad Al-Jalajel, Minister of Health of Saudi Arab visits the SSPH+@Expo exhibition space at the Swiss Pavilion! SSPH+ project manager, Dr. Emily Reeves presents the SSPH+ for Sustainable Health exhibition

Dal Ticino a Dubai: la SUPSI partecipa a EXPO 2020
EXPO2020 The Department of Environment, Construction and Design of Ticino University of Applied Sciences begins its experience at EXPO today - The design team, coordinated by Giovanni Profeta, tells us about its role and adventure in the exhibition "SSPH+ for Sustainable Health".
Find the original article here (to pay) or the text as pdf here (in Italian).
See also press release by SUPSI
SUPSI team (left to right): Luca Grisoni, Vanessa Mazzei, Giovanni Profeta, SUPSI Bachelor in visual communication

SSPH+ PhD students arrive at the Dubai Expo!
Thanks to the Expo Dubai training program on scientific communication and debate and an exciting competition, winners- Ana Lucía Oña Macías and Ezra Valido from the University of Luzern and Magda Gamba from the University of Bern arrived this Saturday at the Swiss Pavilion located at the Expo Dubai 2020. They are core representatives of Swiss public health young scientists during the Health & Wellness Week.
Follow our students journey at the Expo on Instagram!
The students will present their talks and debates live this Tuesday, February 02, at 11:00 am (08:00 Swiss time)- Join the event
Learning by playing- recycling and movement!
On Saturday the 29 January 2022, SSPH+ was guest of the Swiss International Scientific School in Dubai (SISD) on an event that sought to teach sports and movement for school children on the roof- top of the Swiss Pavilion! Workshops for School children were lead by SSPH+ partners, Accademia Teatro Dimitri artists. Children learned how to give a second life to materials like paper and turned into toys and used them for play to be physically active. The event sought to raise awareness among children about the importance of taking care of the planet and being physically active as part of a healthy lifestyle!
Workshop leaders: Emmanuel Pouilly, Santiago Bello and Elisa di Cristofaro, artists from Accademia Teatro Dimitri
Sustainable Development Goals through the eyes of experts from Switzerland!
SSPH+ as a partner of the Swiss pavilion, invited Professor Dr. Frank Rühli, Dean of the Medicine Faculty at the University of Zürich, Dr.Patricia Chocano-Bedoya, head of the "Ageing" Research Unit from BIHAM at the University of Bern, Dr. Florian Liberatore from the ZHAW School of Management and Law and Prof. Dr. Claudio Valsangiacomo from the Centre for Development and Cooperation at SUPSI to share their expertise on Sustainable Development Goals. Their lectures highlighted how their research contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals through their research and raises awareness for their importance.
Each expert presented to an onsite and online audience that actively contributed to the discussion. Find more information about each of the talks here on instagram and our blog - coming soon!