SSPH+ events
SSPH+ events
All SSPH+ events are based on the efforts of students of partner institutions and universities of SSPH+.
To ensure that 'SSPH+ for sustainable health' may have a meaningful impact on its audiences, it is designed with versatility in mind — with complementary components that are geared towards conveying its message in an entertaining and educational way that is relevant for individuals of all ages, cultures and backgrounds. The core features of the project fall under two key interrelated features that will have an online and virtual presence, namely; the exhibit and auditorium events. These events will showcase at the attractive exhibition space and large event space of the Swiss Pavilion that draw in thousands of visitors per day.
SSPH+ exhibit events
SSPH+ exhibit events are held in the exhibition space of the Swiss Pavilion, where visitors are immersed in a 'scientainment' experience through eye-catching innovation fountains, screens, stages and much more!
SSPH+ innovation fountains

These are fountain shaped structures that look like water fountains and are scattered around the exhibition space of the Swiss Pavilion. Water droplets fall from the ceiling into the fountains- enticing visitors to take a peek inside! Each water droplet represents the idea that each idea is valuable- and every idea counts. Inside these fountains, images, screens, objects and lights can be seen and interacted with. Students from SUPSI Laboratoria Cultura Visiva are developing state of the art technological methods that will enable the innovation fountains to present information about SDG’s and public health in an exciting way that can be appreciated and learned from by people of all ages and backgrounds. Watch the "behind the scenes" of their work on the innovation fountains here.
SSPH+ quiz

This is a quiz that features questions and answers concerning health relating to all sustainable development goals in a fun and engaging way! The quiz will be exclusively showcased on the prime screen of the exhibit space of the Swiss Pavilion during the "health and wellness" week of the Expo. It also has a digital component so that people may interact with the quiz in more depth individually from their mobiles or laptops.
With its strong live and virtual presence, the quiz can help facilitate the understanding of health and sustainable development goals for users around the world. The quiz tool is being expertly developed by professionals in interaction design from SUPSI Laboratoria Cultura Visiva.
SSPH+ artistic sketches and parkour
Artistic sketches are short, meaningful performances carried out by students from SUPSI Accademia Teatro Dimitri that seek to visually demonstrate topics from health, Swissness and SDG’s and bring these topics to life! The sketches seek to translate scientific research through artistic performance so that complex scientific concepts can be more easily grasped. In addition, the artistic students will carry out a 'parkour' that will guide the visitor journey through the Swiss Pavilion, including SSPH+ events and support the effective communication of public health topics related to SDG's through artistic methods.

A snapshot of a behind the scenes filiming of an artistic sketch of SDG 14, 'life below water' - by SUPSI Accademia Teatro Dimitri!
SSPH+ auditorium events
SSPH+ auditorium events are held in an impressive event space that hosts large groups of visitors and is a hub for interesting and diverse events, such as; scientific debates, ScienceFlashTalks, lectures and much more!
SSPH+ ScienceFlashTalks
The ScienceFlashTalks are 3-minute entertaining speed talks that are centered on public health, SDG’s, Swissness and contemporary health issues from international students of all twelve SSPH+ partner universities. Students tell a story about their research in an engaging way and compete with other students. The audience will select the winner with the best ScienceFlashTalk!
SSPH+ student testimonials
*videos are for visual demonstration only (cannot be played)
These are testimonials of students’ personal backgrounds, research and experience of study and life in Switzerland. This gives audiences a chance to see the faces and stories behind SSPH+ and offers our students a opportunity to showcase their research to large audiences.
SSPH+ lecture series
The lecture series include expert lead lectures that covers topics on public health in relation to SDG's from a Swiss perspective and address crucial health issues of today. The lectures are provided by experts in the public health field from Switzerland as well as faculty members and junior scientists of SSPH+ partner institutions.
SSPH+ scientific debates and discussion
These are scientific debates on contemporary health issues relating to SDG's that tackle important 'hot topics' of discussion in the sector of public health sciences in the 21st century. The debates are developed and delivered by students and faculty from SSPH+ partner institutions. Students video record their debates and compete for the best debate video- the winning debate team wins the chance to perform live in Dubai.